
Keeping California Informed: A Guide to Annual Statement of Information Filings

Running a business in California requires keeping the state updated on your company’s essential details. […]

How to Dissolve Your Delaware C Corporation

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER This is not legal advice. This guide will walk you through the steps […]

Mark Your Calendars, Startups: 2024 U.S. Tax Dates You Don’t Want to Miss

Running a C-Corporation comes with its fair share of perks, but tax season doesn’t rank […]

Corporate Transparency Act for Startups

Overview The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will negatively impact most startups by requiring them, starting […]

Accountalent 2021 Philanthropy Year-in-Review

As 2021 draws to a close, the Accountalent team wants to take a chance to […]

Press Release: Accountalent and eTaxConnect Join Forces to Offer R&D Studies to Software Startups

Accountalent is excited to announce its acquisition of eTaxConnect, an R&D study firm.  Leading up […]

How Peter Thiel saved millions in taxes and so can other startup founders

Peter Thiel has been making headlines the past couple of weeks over leaked data obtained […]

Employee Retention Credit for Pre-Revenue Startups

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a refundable credit worth $7K per employee per quarter […]

Section 139 Plans: Startups BEWARE

One of the Bay Area “usual suspects” is at it again – this time pushing […]

Recovery Startup Business: RIP OFF ALERT – How to take advantage of this credit

Are you a Recovery Startup Business? You might be and not even know it. The […]

Startups Beware: The R&D Credit Study Deception

We have prepared tax returns for over 5,000 early-stage startups and see many R&D Credit […]

What is the California Water’s Edge Election?

What is the California Water’s Edge Election? And should your startup use it? Many startups […]

Stimulus Bill Quiz: PPP and ERC

Over the past few weeks, Accountalent has been sharing the latest updates on the most […]

Strategies to maximize PPP2 and Employee Retention Credit

The new stimulus bill includes a fresh round of PPP, but the MOST important part […]

PPP Loan and Employee Retention Credit: Your top 5 questions answered

Accountalent is breaking down the latest stimulus bill – specifically the PPP Loan and Employee […]

How the latest Stimulus Bill will impact your startup

Last night, Congress came to an agreement on the latest Stimulus Bill (finally). In it […]

The BEST tax deduction for Self-Employed (2020 update)

IRS Circular 230 Disclosure To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform […]

“Our startup is moving from California to Texas – What do we need to do?”

Since COVID, we receive several emails per week with this exact question about a startup […]

How one founder could pay no taxes on a $196M gain with a ROTH IRA

When it comes to the topic of wealth preservation, there is no shortage of strategies. […]

What does a President Biden mean for the R&D Credit for startups? Here’s our prediction.

Will a President Biden change the R&D Credit for startups? The answer is maybe. Biden […]

California startups beware: Moving your business out of The Golden State might not be such a golden idea…

A lot has happened since the start of 2020. More companies and employees than ever […]

7 Ways Your Taxes Will Change Under a President Biden

Calling all startups and startup founders: now that the election is almost finalized, the time […]

How To Choose a Firm For Your Software Startup R&D Credit Study

    What is an R&D Credit Study?  Look at it as a form of […]

R&D Credit Basics for Startups

  How has the R&D Credit changed? Before 2016, the R&D Credit had to be […]

Do I Need to File an 83(b) Election Form?

There is no requirement to file an 83(b) Election Form. By default, the IRS assumes […]

Boomer: Millennials Will Be the Next Greatest Generation

I know Millennials very well – my tax practice has exclusively serviced 1,500+ tech startups […]

How to Dissolve a DE Corporation/Startup for Dummies

Unfortunately, not all startups survive.  When it is apparent that your early stage startup will […]

How Sam Walton Taught Zuckerberg a Trick To Save His Kids $250M in Taxes

The Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn founders saved their children about $1B in taxes.  Zuckerberg, alone, saved […]

The Five Tax “DO NOTs” for Startups

1.    Doing your own payroll. • Do not even think twice about this one. Zen […]

Tax Deadlines for Startups

Most entrepreneurs who form an LLC or incorporate a business are not aware of their […]

83(b) Elections For Dummies

First, a few basics: If you have stock options, you do not need to file […]

The Best Kept Secret – How Your State Will Fund Your Startup’s Cash Flow Gap

Smartco Corp is a 2-year old startup that recently started selling product to a few […]

The Dumbest and Most Dangerous Startup Financing

Dumbo Corp is a 2-year old startup that recently started selling product to a few […]

You Incorporated Yesterday, Ten Things You Need To Do Today…

Well, maybe not today, but certainly within the next month. Get an Employer Identification Number […]

VC Term Sheet Lingo

To help those legalese challenged, we took the 10 most common terms found in a […]

How to Negotiate your Equity Compensation in VC-Backed Startups

In our work at venture-backed startups, we are amazed at how hard new employees will […]

UPDATE: Carried Interest. Inter-Partner Loans

As a follow-up to our recent post regarding the proposals to tax carried interest as […]

Carried Interest Tax Debate: Here We Go Again

President Obama released his FY2013 budget plan on Monday, February 13, 2012.  As expected, it […]

Stop! Think Before You Incorporate

We work with a lot of college student entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs and first-time entrepreneurs.  We […]

International Taxation Hot Issue – Repatriation

“…$1.4 trillion of corporate cash is trapped overseas…” “…Corporate America needs a tax holiday to […]

UPDATE: Tax Plan Square Off: Romney vs. Santorum vs. Gingrich

After we published our blog on the Romney vs. Santorum tax plans, we were inundated […]

Tax Plan Square Off: Romney vs. Santorum

Following the Iowa Presidential Caucus in early January, 2012 where only 8 votes separated candidates […]

IRS Targets Family Real Estate Transfers

It is not uncommon for family members to transfer (technically a gift, often subject to […]

The Payroll Tax Debate – Simplified

What is the present payroll tax cut debate all about and how does it affect […]

PA Governor Slaps Consumers, Online Retailers and the US and PA Constitutions in the Face

Facts: The US Constitution’s Due Process and Commerce clauses prohibit states from inhibiting the free […]

Why Supports the Online Sales Tax

For years, opposed collecting state sales tax on sales to states where they did […]

Investors and Entrepreneurs: Incorporate before 2012 to get 100% Capital Gain Exclusion

Under the Job Creation Act of 2010, you can exclude 100% of your capital gain […]

Business Formation

R&D Credit Basics for Startups

  How has the R&D Credit changed? Before 2016, the R&D Credit had to be […]

You Incorporated Yesterday, Ten Things You Need To Do Today…

Well, maybe not today, but certainly within the next month. Get an Employer Identification Number […]

Stop! Think Before You Incorporate

We work with a lot of college student entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs and first-time entrepreneurs.  We […]


How to Dissolve Your Delaware C Corporation

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER This is not legal advice. This guide will walk you through the steps […]

How to Dissolve a DE Corporation/Startup for Dummies

Unfortunately, not all startups survive.  When it is apparent that your early stage startup will […]

Equity Compensation

How Sam Walton Taught Zuckerberg a Trick To Save His Kids $250M in Taxes

The Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn founders saved their children about $1B in taxes.  Zuckerberg, alone, saved […]

83(b) Elections For Dummies

First, a few basics: If you have stock options, you do not need to file […]

How to Negotiate your Equity Compensation in VC-Backed Startups

In our work at venture-backed startups, we are amazed at how hard new employees will […]


Stimulus Bill Quiz: PPP and ERC

Over the past few weeks, Accountalent has been sharing the latest updates on the most […]

Strategies to maximize PPP2 and Employee Retention Credit

The new stimulus bill includes a fresh round of PPP, but the MOST important part […]

The Best Kept Secret – How Your State Will Fund Your Startup’s Cash Flow Gap

Smartco Corp is a 2-year old startup that recently started selling product to a few […]

The Dumbest and Most Dangerous Startup Financing

Dumbo Corp is a 2-year old startup that recently started selling product to a few […]


Press Release: Accountalent and eTaxConnect Join Forces to Offer R&D Studies to Software Startups

Accountalent is excited to announce its acquisition of eTaxConnect, an R&D study firm.  Leading up […]

Stimulus Bill Quiz: PPP and ERC

Over the past few weeks, Accountalent has been sharing the latest updates on the most […]

Strategies to maximize PPP2 and Employee Retention Credit

The new stimulus bill includes a fresh round of PPP, but the MOST important part […]

So You Sold Your Startup for $50M – Why You Netted $19M, and How You Could Have Netted $32M

Congratulations! This is it. Every entrepreneur’s dream is now your reality. You built your business […]

Boomer: Millennials Will Be the Next Greatest Generation

I know Millennials very well – my tax practice has exclusively serviced 1,500+ tech startups […]


Corporate Transparency Act for Startups

Overview The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will negatively impact most startups by requiring them, starting […]

How Peter Thiel saved millions in taxes and so can other startup founders

Peter Thiel has been making headlines the past couple of weeks over leaked data obtained […]

Employee Retention Credit for Pre-Revenue Startups

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a refundable credit worth $7K per employee per quarter […]

Section 139 Plans: Startups BEWARE

One of the Bay Area “usual suspects” is at it again – this time pushing […]

Recovery Startup Business: RIP OFF ALERT – How to take advantage of this credit

Are you a Recovery Startup Business? You might be and not even know it. The […]

Startups Beware: The R&D Credit Study Deception

We have prepared tax returns for over 5,000 early-stage startups and see many R&D Credit […]

What is the California Water’s Edge Election?

What is the California Water’s Edge Election? And should your startup use it? Many startups […]

Stimulus Bill Quiz: PPP and ERC

Over the past few weeks, Accountalent has been sharing the latest updates on the most […]

Strategies to maximize PPP2 and Employee Retention Credit

The new stimulus bill includes a fresh round of PPP, but the MOST important part […]

PPP Loan and Employee Retention Credit: Your top 5 questions answered

Accountalent is breaking down the latest stimulus bill – specifically the PPP Loan and Employee […]

How the latest Stimulus Bill will impact your startup

Last night, Congress came to an agreement on the latest Stimulus Bill (finally). In it […]

“Our startup is moving from California to Texas – What do we need to do?”

Since COVID, we receive several emails per week with this exact question about a startup […]

How one founder could pay no taxes on a $196M gain with a ROTH IRA

When it comes to the topic of wealth preservation, there is no shortage of strategies. […]

What does a President Biden mean for the R&D Credit for startups? Here’s our prediction.

Will a President Biden change the R&D Credit for startups? The answer is maybe. Biden […]

California startups beware: Moving your business out of The Golden State might not be such a golden idea…

A lot has happened since the start of 2020. More companies and employees than ever […]

How To Choose a Firm For Your Software Startup R&D Credit Study

    What is an R&D Credit Study?  Look at it as a form of […]

What Happens If You Do Not File an 83(b) Election?

There is no requirement to file an 83(b) Election Form.  By default, the IRS assumes […]

What is an 83(b) Election?

An 83(b) Election Form is a written statement to the IRS telling them that you […]

These Five Things Will Land a Startup Founder in Jail

Not remitting payroll taxes. “Cash flow is tight and a financing is just around the […]

$1.7M Mistake for FILING an 83(b)

This is a very rare case when FILING an 83(b) Election made a bad situation […]

Do It Yourself Guide to Prepare Your Startup’s Taxes

OK,  you have a startup (let’s assume a DE C Corp) and are low on […]


Keeping California Informed: A Guide to Annual Statement of Information Filings

Running a business in California requires keeping the state updated on your company’s essential details. […]

How to Dissolve Your Delaware C Corporation

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER This is not legal advice. This guide will walk you through the steps […]

Mark Your Calendars, Startups: 2024 U.S. Tax Dates You Don’t Want to Miss

Running a C-Corporation comes with its fair share of perks, but tax season doesn’t rank […]

How Peter Thiel saved millions in taxes and so can other startup founders

Peter Thiel has been making headlines the past couple of weeks over leaked data obtained […]

Section 139 Plans: Startups BEWARE

One of the Bay Area “usual suspects” is at it again – this time pushing […]

What is the California Water’s Edge Election?

What is the California Water’s Edge Election? And should your startup use it? Many startups […]

Stimulus Bill Quiz: PPP and ERC

Over the past few weeks, Accountalent has been sharing the latest updates on the most […]

Strategies to maximize PPP2 and Employee Retention Credit

The new stimulus bill includes a fresh round of PPP, but the MOST important part […]

PPP Loan and Employee Retention Credit: Your top 5 questions answered

Accountalent is breaking down the latest stimulus bill – specifically the PPP Loan and Employee […]

How the latest Stimulus Bill will impact your startup

Last night, Congress came to an agreement on the latest Stimulus Bill (finally). In it […]

The BEST tax deduction for Self-Employed (2020 update)

IRS Circular 230 Disclosure To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform […]

“Our startup is moving from California to Texas – What do we need to do?”

Since COVID, we receive several emails per week with this exact question about a startup […]

How one founder could pay no taxes on a $196M gain with a ROTH IRA

When it comes to the topic of wealth preservation, there is no shortage of strategies. […]

What does a President Biden mean for the R&D Credit for startups? Here’s our prediction.

Will a President Biden change the R&D Credit for startups? The answer is maybe. Biden […]

California startups beware: Moving your business out of The Golden State might not be such a golden idea…

A lot has happened since the start of 2020. More companies and employees than ever […]

R&D Credit Basics for Startups

  How has the R&D Credit changed? Before 2016, the R&D Credit had to be […]

Do I Need to File an 83(b) Election Form?

There is no requirement to file an 83(b) Election Form. By default, the IRS assumes […]

So You Sold Your Startup for $50M – Why You Netted $19M, and How You Could Have Netted $32M

Congratulations! This is it. Every entrepreneur’s dream is now your reality. You built your business […]

$1.7M Mistake for FILING an 83(b)

This is a very rare case when FILING an 83(b) Election made a bad situation […]

Do It Yourself Guide to Prepare Your Startup’s Taxes

OK,  you have a startup (let’s assume a DE C Corp) and are low on […]

How to Dissolve a DE Corporation/Startup for Dummies

Unfortunately, not all startups survive.  When it is apparent that your early stage startup will […]

How Sam Walton Taught Zuckerberg a Trick To Save His Kids $250M in Taxes

The Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn founders saved their children about $1B in taxes.  Zuckerberg, alone, saved […]

The Five Tax “DO NOTs” for Startups

1.    Doing your own payroll. • Do not even think twice about this one. Zen […]

Tax Deadlines for Startups

Most entrepreneurs who form an LLC or incorporate a business are not aware of their […]

83(b) Elections For Dummies

First, a few basics: If you have stock options, you do not need to file […]

UPDATE: Carried Interest. Inter-Partner Loans

As a follow-up to our recent post regarding the proposals to tax carried interest as […]

Carried Interest Tax Debate: Here We Go Again

President Obama released his FY2013 budget plan on Monday, February 13, 2012.  As expected, it […]

International Taxation Hot Issue – Repatriation

“…$1.4 trillion of corporate cash is trapped overseas…” “…Corporate America needs a tax holiday to […]

UPDATE: Tax Plan Square Off: Romney vs. Santorum vs. Gingrich

After we published our blog on the Romney vs. Santorum tax plans, we were inundated […]

Tax Plan Square Off: Romney vs. Santorum

Following the Iowa Presidential Caucus in early January, 2012 where only 8 votes separated candidates […]

IRS Targets Family Real Estate Transfers

It is not uncommon for family members to transfer (technically a gift, often subject to […]

The Payroll Tax Debate – Simplified

What is the present payroll tax cut debate all about and how does it affect […]

PA Governor Slaps Consumers, Online Retailers and the US and PA Constitutions in the Face

Facts: The US Constitution’s Due Process and Commerce clauses prohibit states from inhibiting the free […]

Why Supports the Online Sales Tax

For years, opposed collecting state sales tax on sales to states where they did […]

Investors and Entrepreneurs: Incorporate before 2012 to get 100% Capital Gain Exclusion

Under the Job Creation Act of 2010, you can exclude 100% of your capital gain […]


NY Taxes Out-of-State COVID-19 Health Care Volunteers

New York chose not to give any NY State Tax relief to the thousands of […]

Got PPP? Now You Only Have 70% of PPP – the IRS Haircut

On Thursday, April 30th, the IRS one-upped Congress regarding the taxability of the Paycheck Protection […]

Startups: Not Doing PPP? Do “Workshare” – It Can be a Better Deal Than PPP

For those startups that missed the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and need to now reduce […]

Tuesday, April 21st: PPP 2.0. Great Comments from PPP Facebook Group

PPP just got another $250B – do not wait. Apply immediately. Below are some very […]

What is unBookkeeper?

unBookkeeper is Accountalent’s bookkeeping solution for early stage startups. unBookkeeper – what’s the story with […]

PPP For Startups – What We Have Learned the First Week

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a week old.  This is what we have learned […]

Just Filed my 83(b) Election Form – What Happens Next?

If you just mailed your 83(b) Election Form to the IRS, do not expect anything […]

Venture Capital

VC Term Sheet Lingo

To help those legalese challenged, we took the 10 most common terms found in a […]